5 Steps to Take After Being Hooked in a Phishing Scam

So, what do you do if you find yourself hook, line, and sinker in a successful phishing email scam?

Here are 5 steps to take to after clicking on a phishing email.


  1. Change Your Passwords: More than likely you clicked on a link in an email and it took you to a spoof site that mimicked your bank account, or another service, and had you enter your user name and password. After noticing that it was a phishing scam, you must go to the real sites for these services and change your password. If you use the same password for multiple accounts—which you shouldn’t do—change the passwords for the other accounts as well. Be sure to create strong, complicated passwords using a variety of characters and numbers.


  1. Contact the Organization that was Spoofed: Notify the company/organization that the phishing email came from. They will want to investigate the matter and make sure that others were not affected by the scam. If you gave out financial information, you may need to cancel your existing card and get a new one.


  1. Scan Your Computer for Viruses: To be safe, you should scan your device for viruses following a phishing email attack. Make sure all of your anti-virus software is up to date and run a full scan of your system.


  1. Watch Out for Signs of Identity Theft: If you believe that your information may have been exposed, be careful and on the lookout for any signs of identity theft.


  1. Protect Yourself Against Future Phishing Schemes: Now is the time to educate yourself on what to look for in future phishing attacks. IT Net Pros provides IT support to small and medium sized businesses and can help train your staff to spot phishing emails.


The best way to avoid a phishing attack is to be aware of what to look for.

Call 210 417 9988 to learn more about how IT Net Pros can help keep your company safe.